Planning Application

In October 2024, RES submitted a planning application for the Killymallaght Energy Storage project in the townland of Disertowen, approximately 2.5km southeast of Newbuildings, Co Derry/Londonderry. 

Electronic copies of the planning application and accompanying documents can be viewed or downloaded by clicking on the links below. 

The planning application may also be viewed on the new Northern Ireland Direct planning portal The planning reference number is LA11/2024/0759/F.

Planning Design and Access Statement

Pre-Application Community Consultation (PACC) Report


Acoustic Impact Assessment

Arboricultural Impact Assessment

Construction Environmental Management Plan

Ecological Impact Assessment (EcIA)

EIA Screening Statement

Fire Risk Statement 

Flood Risk and Drainage Assessment

Heritage Statement

Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment

Landscape Masterplan 

NI Biodiversity Checklist

Transport Statement


Hard copies of some planning reports are available on request, please contact us for more information.

The planning application may also be viewed on the new Northern Ireland Direct planning portal The planning reference number is LA11/2024/0759/F.

If you would like to support the project, or submit any kind of representation, you can do so by submitting a comment on the website above.

Site location plan
(click to enlarge)


Infrastructure layout plan
(click to enlarge)


Illustrative landscape masterplan
(click to enlarge)